Kickoff meeting


The Kick-off conference of the Danube DNA project was held on the 21st of February 2024 in Novi Sad, Serbia!

The conference gathered project partners from 12 Danube countries together with a significant number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Thrilled to share that 26 project partner institutions, at the Kick-Off conference, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the creation of the Danube DNA network - transnationally aligned “one-stop shops” along the Danube that will have the required knowledge, capacity, and ability to support the digital transformation of SMEs in their countries. 

26 organizations and 12 SMEs along the Danube region will benefit directly from this initiative, and indirectly more than 100, by improving their institutional capacities through networking and implementation of jointly developed solutions.




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