#RomansWineDanube Partner Meeting in Osijek

Last week, partners of the #RomansWineDanube project gathered in Osijek, Croatia for the third partner meeting, hosted by the Tourist Board of Osijek-Baranja County. Over two dynamic days, we engaged in creative workshops, productive discussions all contributing to the shared vision of developing the cultural route.

Day 1 Highlights

The meeting kicked off with an interactive workshop on the design of the joint wine label, where partners worked on moodboards to shape the visual identity of the label for the wines of the Danube Region. The day also featured a live demo of the Tourism Observatory tool, showcasing how data can support strategic decision-making. The First Year Review followed, with the DRP MA/JS joining us to reflect on the project’s progress, while the Steering Committee Meeting ensured smooth coordination.

Partners wrapped up a productive day with a guided city tour, exploring Osijek’s rich heritage.

Day 2 Highlights

Creativity took center stage in the Joint Route Souvenir Workshop, where partners worked together to ideate and develop unique souvenir concepts. The Brand Promise Workshop then encouraged partners to collaboratively define the #RomansWineDanube identity, identifying key ingredients and crafting potential brand promises.

During the second day of the meeting, pilot (sub-destination) partners showcased the progress of their upcoming festivals, giving us a glimpse of what visitors can expect along the #RWD route! From historical reenactments to wine celebrations, each festival will bring the Roman heritage and wine culture of the Danube Region to life.

The Osijek meeting was an inspiring step forward, reinforcing the partnership and dedication of all involved. A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful hosts at TZ Osijek-Baranja County for their warm hospitality!

Looking ahead, we are excited to continue building and refining the #RomansWineDanube experience together.

Stay tuned for more updates on the project!



By Nikola Stanisavljević

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