CapTTict – 2024 Year Overview
The first year of the CapTTict project focused on the successful initiation of all project activities. Dedicated teams of experts were assigned to each of the three Specific Objectives, working diligently to ensure high-quality outputs.
CapTTict kick-off meeting was held on April 4, 2024, in the Romanian university town of Cluj-Napoca. During this meeting and subsequent gatherings, the partners shared information, discussed requirements, and outlined tasks for the successful implementation of the project throughout the year.
In 2024, the project underwent intensive preparation for Specific Objective 1: Enhancing capacities for technology transfer at HEIs and public research organizations. Throughout the year, initial materials for the upcoming Guidelines for HEI/PRO Management for Effective Tech Transfer in the Field of ICT were developed. At the same time, efforts focused on creating a framework for the Danube Digital Accelerator. This initiative aims to support 30 projects or startups by providing expert mentoring, strategic partnerships, and essential knowledge and experience for market success. The launch of the website www.ddaacelerator.com marked a key milestone, facilitating communication and operations within the incubation program.
During the selection process for DDAccelerator Cohort 1, 30 technologies from eight countries were chosen, resulting in the formation of 9 teams. These teams are set to participate in the incubation program throughout 2025.
In November 2024, the project hosted a highly informative workshop titled Bridging Innovation and Industry: A Practical Guide to Tech Transfer. The event featured renowned keynote speaker Florin Păun, PhD, who shared valuable insights. You can learn more about this workshop in the project news (here), which also includes a YouTube link to watch the workshop recording."
Under the second Specific Objective (SO2) – Leveraging European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and the European Enterprise Network (EEN) – significant attention and resources were devoted to creating an overview structure of available EDIHs and EENs. The primary goal was to strengthen cross-country cooperation and enhance innovation capacities across the region.
The third Specific Objective (SO3) – Creating access to ICT excellence in four non-EU countries for TT/RDI cooperation and S3 development – focused on mapping ICT excellence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Ukraine. Efforts included gathering data on ICT excellence, identifying gaps and opportunities in research, development, and innovation (RDI) cooperation, and developing an Action Plan to expand and improve S3 strategies. These activities culminated in the creation of a draft version of Methodological Guide for ICT Excellence Mapping in the target countries. Further related activities will continue in 2025.
Looking ahead, 2025 promises exciting developments for the CapTTict project. The first four-month incubation program for 9 selected teams is set to begin, while applications for the Danube Digital Accelerator's Cohort 2 will open at the end of January.
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