Danube GeoHeCo project

The project Danube GeoHeCo will foster the integration of shallow geothermal solutions into existing fossil-fuel based domestic HC systems, raise awareness and enhance capacities. 

Danube GeoHeCo News

Directional well drilling; InnoGeo Research and Service Ltd.

Energy power systems in the Danube Region are mainly based on fossil fuels. To sever energy dependence and confront climate change, municipalities, regions, governments and the EU are forced to reconsider their energy supplies and shift to renewable energies (RE). Switching fossil fuel based heating and cooling (HC) systems to geothermal (or other renewables) is a long, capital intensive process and the availability of most base-load RES is confined regionally. The Danube GeoHeCo project identifies this problem and intends to increase the use of one RES that is available throughout Europe with very little geographical limitations and low CAPEX: that of shallow geothermal energy (SGE) through the integration of SG solutions into existing HC systems. Hybrid HC systems are cost-efficient and easy to adapt, therefore they could foster a high-level reduction of fossil fuel consumption throughout the Danube Region and beyond. To contribute to this goal, the Danube GeoHeCo project is set out to advance the market penetration of SG solutions and, through the cooperation of PPs from different countries in investments, capacity building and knowledge exchange, the project intends to increase the level of expertise and number of professionals available for the sustainable transformation of the energy sector. The Danube GeoHeCo project foresees and initiates the active role of local and regional authorities in applying effective community-led planning approaches which is a key step in engaging relevant stakeholders. To stimulate and promote the integration of shallow geothermal solutions, PPs will jointly carry out high-visibility investments, develop a Transnational Action Plan which will define actions for fostering shallow geothermal projects and formulate recommendations for removing bottlenecks neglected in existing planning documents. The technological segments of SGE usage for HC purposes will be investigated and as a result an IT decision support tool for designing optimal use of hybrid HC systems will be developed. The project will include pilot investments at demonstration sites, awareness raising and knowledge transfer activities and develop a digital platform with a built-in virtual marketplace.

Danube GeoHeCo main project objective

The main objective of Danube GeoHeCo project is to increase the penetration of shallow geothermal energy in the Danube Region through initiating a robust transnational cooperation of promotion and support actions. The purpose of proposed activities is to achieve ambitious EU energy and climate targets by 2030 and consequently 2050. The project will foster the integration of shallow geothermal solutions into existing fossil-fuel based domestic HC systems, raise awareness and enhance capacities.

Danube GeoHeCo project specific objectives

  • Design and technology optimisation of shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling systems;
  • Community-led planning for utilisation of shallow geothermal heating and cooling potential;
  • Digital platform and virtual marketplace for fostering shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling.

Project overview

Start date:

01 January 2024

Status: ongoing

End date:

30 June 2026



80.00 % funded by
Interreg Funds





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Danijela VRTARIĆ

Project Manager

Nikolina PUPAVAC

Communication Manager

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