About us
Danube GeoTour Plus is a collaborative effort involving 11 partners from 10 countries, including research and education institutions. It addresses challenges such as depopulation, limited local engagement, emerging tourism demands, and outdated management practices in Danube geoparks. Through tailored pilot actions, the project aims to enhance sustainable management, community involvement, and visitor experiences, unlocking the region's socio-economic potential. Photo credits: Urosh Grabner

Lead Partner
Nature and Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen
Markt 35, 8933 St. Gallen, Österreich (AT)

Bükk National Park Directorate
Sánc u. 6, 3304 Eger, Magyarország (HU)

College for Tourism and Management Konjic
Varda 1, 88400 Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)

Vodní zdroje Chrudim Ltd.
U Vodárny 137, 53701 Chrudim, Česko (CZ)

Public Institution “Nature Park Papuk”
Trg Gospe Voćinske 11, 33522 Voćin, Hrvatska (HR)

EGTC Geopark Karawanken - Karavanke
Hauptplatz 7, 9135 Bad Eisenkappel, Österreich (AT)

Geopark Swabian Alb
Marktstraße 17, 89601 Schelklingen, Deutschland (DE)

Idrija Tourism Board
Mestni trg 2, 5280 Idrija, Slovenija (SI)

Public Enterprise National Park Djerdap
Kralja Petra I 14a, 19220 Donji Milanovac, Serbia (RS) (c) Ivan Svetozarevic
Technical University of Kosice
Letna 1/9, 04200 Košice, Slovensko (SK)

University of Bucharest
Șoseaua Panduri 90,Sector 5, 050663 Bucharest, România (RO) (c) Dan Palcu