The project Digital services for Circular Economy - a Toolbox for Regional Developers & SME officially started on 1st January 2024. You can find basic information about the project below.
Title: Digital services for Circular Economy - a Toolbox for Regional Developers & SME
Acronym: DECIDE
Programme: Interreg Danube Region Programme
Priority 1: A more competitive and smarter Danube Region
Specific objective 1.1: Enhancing innovation and technology transfer in Danube region
Main objective: Identification and implementation of successful circular economy business models within the DR using innovative tools and methods to contribute to sustainable development goals (SDG) in the EU.
Beacons for circular economy business models in the areas of food, textiles, packaging, batteries and smart cities within the DR are identified and these success models including proper tools and methods and enablement of relevant actors with adequate trainings are transferred to transnational potentials.
Project budget (total): 2.886.750 €
Lead partner: Centre for Digitalisation Böblingen District - ZD.BB GmbH, Germany
DECIDE project area coverage
The project area covers the seven EU member states Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, and Slovenia as well as the three neighboring countries Moldova, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.