The New European Bauhaus on the Danube (NEBoD) initiative has been declared a flagship project of the European Danube Strategy
In the summer of 2021, the New European Bauhaus on the Danube (NEBoD) initiative started, and impulse was given by Alexandar Wetzig, chairman of the board of trustees of the HfG Ulm School of Design and Foundation, European Danube Academy (represented at the time by Peter Langer) and Ute Meyer from urbanes.land, Institute Biberach University of Applied Sciences. ISKRIVA from Ljubljana and The Collective Foundation from Sofija engaged and joined the initiative, forming a partnership with urbanes.land to become the first European Bauhaus partners. The NEB Lab's status within the movement was established; the New European Bauhaus on the Danube (NEBoD) initiative was officially accepted as a “LAB” by the New European Bauhaus on the EU level in June 2023.
The next result achieved was the approval of a comprehensive project NONA submitted for funding in the Interact Danube Region Programme. NONA aims to cultivate responsible land-use practices and develop multi-level governance models for mainstreaming green investments into sustainable territorial development with a budget for a large project and a first occasion to test some of the methods on the ground. Several small and medium-sized communities and regional bodies have joined project partnerships providing and being a missing link between knowledge and needs, sketching out a new normal, no longer relying on the appraised but only contemporary temporary experiment, aiming to establish long-term responsible practices. Six thematic pillars serve to evolve a new normal: INNOVATION, FINANCE, NEW GOVERNANCE, CULTURE, NEW PLANNING TOOLS and INCLUSION.
The new European Bauhaus on the Danube (NEBoD) has been declared the flagship project of the European Danube Strategy. NONA is the flagship project of the New European Bauhaus on the Danube NEB Lab which aims to showcase in practice concrete solutions that enable the green transition in line with NEB values in the Danube region. Danube Strategy flagships are projects or processes that contribute to implementing the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), with a clear macro-regional dimension and a multi-level governance approach. They are of high importance for the Danube Region’s economic, social and territorial cohesion and for improving the quality of life in the Danube Region. The NEBoD initiative works largely on a non-for profit and volunteer basis and in the future also within the framework of EU-funded projects.
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