About us
15 partners from Central and Eastern Europe dedicate their recources, expertise and efforts to promote climate change adaptation capacities in the Danube Region. The lead partner in the project with a duration of 30 months is the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds.

Lead Partner
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Yavorov district bl. 71 entr. 4 app. 1 , 1111 Sofia, Bulgaria (BG)
Contact: bspb_hq@bspb.org

WWF Adria – Association for protection of nature and conservation of biological diversity
Boškovićeva street 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (HR)

National Administration ”Romanian Waters”
Edgar Quinet 6, 010018 Bucharest, România (RO)

Zagreb City Nature
Maksimirski perivoj 1, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (HR)

General Directorate of Water Management
Márvány utca 1/D, 1012 Budapest, Magyarország (HU)

Romanian Ornithological Society
Călușei Intrare, 12, 021357 Bucharest, Romania (R0)

Ruse Municipality
Svoboda Square 6, 7000 Ruse, Bulgaria (BG)

City of Sombor
Trg cara Urosa 1, 25101 Sombor, Serbia (RS)

Tulcea Municipality
Păcii street 20, 820033 Tulcea, România (RO)

Water Research Institute
Nabr. arm. gen. Svobodu street 5, 812 49 Bratislava, Slovensko (SK)

World Wide Fund for Nature Adria - Serbia
Djure Jakšića street 4a/8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia (RS)

WWF World Wide Fund for Nature Hungary
Álmos vezér útja 69/a, 1141 Budapest, Magyarország (HU)

WWF Slovakia
Medena street 101/5, 81102 Bratislava, Slovensko (SK)

Public Union World Wide Fund for Nature Ukraine
Okipnoi Str. 4 off. 170, 02002 Kyiv, Ukraine (UA)

Municipality of Érd City with County Rank
Alsó utca 1, 2030 Érd, Magyarország (HU)