EU Mobility Week in Zagreb
During the European Mobility week, REGEA was one of the three co-organisers of a three-day international Green Deal Mobility conference, held from the 20th to 22nd September 2024 in Zagreb.
The first day of the conference (Friday, 20th September) was fully organized by the Regional Energy and Climate Agency of Northwestern Croatia (REGEA), within it’s role as an EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Croatia. The event took place in Hotel Zonar in Zagreb, and has brought together more than 100 experts, representatives of Croatian and EU cities, public administration and researchers, all interested in opportunities and challenges of decarbonising local transport systems.
Topics discussed included battery electric vehicles and their lifelong sustainability, as well as the potential and challenges of introducing hydrogen technologies into mobility systems. One panel was dedicated to ESG reporting and the transformative role of big companies and financial institutions in achieving sustainable mobility in cities. Finally, we will discuss the process and effects of introducing urban access regulation in cities.
The second day of the conference was focused on innovative solutions and micromobility, including its benefits and potential of integration with the local public transport systems. The last day consisted of outdoor activities held on the Jarun Lake in Zagreb, including a scooter driving course aimed at increasing scooter and pedestrian safety in the city.
The conference was held in English, and participation is free of charge.
A detailed overview of the program and speakers for all three days of the conference is available on the website https://green-deal-mobility.eu/ .
We are happy that the event hosted a great number of renowned experts, but also the decision makers (e.g. the Mayor of Zagreb), startups and innovators.
The conference was included in the European Mobility Week of the City of Zagreb and was well covered by various interested entities and the media:
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