DRWO4.0 National Workshop - Czech Republic
National workshop as thematic event was organised by our Cluster. The National workshop „Průmysl 4.0 v nábytkářském a dřevařském průmyslu“ was divided into two thematic blocks, it took place on June 25, 2024 (afternoon) and June 26, 2024 (morning) in Dolní Morava. On the first day of the workshop, the program was devoted to the presentation of the DRWO4.0 project and its activities and planned outputs, followed by contributions on the overview of the current state of Industry 4.0 innovations in the furniture and woodworking industry in the Czech Republic, as well as examples of good practice - best practices of transformation towards Industry 4.0.
The second day of the workshop was prepared with our Associated partner CEDEG and was focused on presentations of specific solutions for participating companies. The first day also included a social dinner with the possibility of interactive networking. The second day was closed with a coffee break together with a matchmaking event.The total number of participants was the same for both days, a total of 37 people.

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