Image by Jiří Novotný from Pixabay
What is Brownfield?
Brownfield is degraded land (or water bodies), polluted from the point of soil fertility, due to human activities, including vacant/underused, neglected or obsolescent industrial buildings or settlements. The spatial adaptability of brownfields towards reindustrialisation is emerging as a key territorial priority for Danube's municipalities. Brownfield is Better than Greenfield Revitalising existing brownfields for industrial/production-oriented purposes reduces the construction of new industrial zones in greenfields and respectively avoiding new land use, the sealing of soil and the further loss of biodiversity in the Danube Basin. The revitalisation of a degraded area through a re-industrialisation does not only preserve greenfields, but it is also an opportunity for the municipalities boost economic and social prosperity by attracting investments and new businesses, leading to the creation of new jobs and offering (young) people a perspective in the region. However, such revitalisations represent a huge challenge for the affected communities due to their administrative and managerial complexity and because they need to take place in the context of a circular and resource-efficient economy and environmental-friendly regional development strategies.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay
Тhe main objective of ReInd-BBG project
- Improve the institutional capacities of public authorities and stakeholders in the Danube Region,
- Reduce socio-economic and administrative fragmentation in spatial, economic and environmental transformation processes through territorial demonstrations of Brownfield is Better than Greenfield (BBG) re-industrialisations, and
- Applying the 4H approach.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
The partnership is built around six small to medium-sized municipalities in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Montenegro to exemplary drive re-industrialisation under the principle "Brownfield is better than Greenfield".
By capitalising on past experiences & projects, and following a 4H approach, BSO, policymakers, NGOs and academic partner work together to:
- Develop and field-test transferable multi-level governance solutions for co-creating feasible BBG re-industrialisation scenarios including improved inter-institutional cooperation and the use of participatory approaches in community involvement;
- Reduce socio-economic & administrative fragmentation in spatial, economic & environmental transformation processes through policy dialogue with EUSDR & territorial strategies;
- Build sustainable governance and management for BBG Re-industrialisation In this context, financing options (investors, PPP) will be discussed, a sound financing concept developed, and its feasibility tested.

Image by algedroid from Pixabay
The project is an excellent opportunity to improve the limited capacities of public authorities addressing this specific territorial challenge in the post-communist DR countries, addressing:
- lack of awareness and knowledge in management of industrial landscapes for re-industrialisation;
- weak multi-level governance and lack of tools and cooperative approaches for realising public-private projects;
- lack of concepts for involvement of local & civic actors through co-creative processes;
- low level of inter-institutional cooperation and coordination ReInd-BBG tackles not only empty buildings but large (in size) problematic degraded areas.
Distinctive for ReInd-BBG is also its clear focus on re-industrialisation and the ambition to direct investments on brownfield sites instead on greenfields. A major focus of the project will be the work on finding solutions for financing and governance of the site. This will include the acquisition of investments from the private sector and practical solutions of how public owners can collaborate with private sector for the regeneration of the brownfield and its transformation into new economic activities.
The involved municipalities have suffered in some cases substantial population losses over the past decades that went along with the decline of economic activities.
Strong cooperation needs perseverance and inspiration. We believe that ReInd-BBG is able to bring besides its knowhwo and solutions, also fresh ideas, spirit and enthusiasm to the involved communities. We use new, interactive and innovative approaches in our project work. Walk the Talk! Co-creation, multidisciplinary and cooperation need to be lived by the consortium to be transferred in the local or regional governance context. We will use scenario building as a relatively (in the public sector) new approach.
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Tanja Faganel
Project Manager

Zorana Panić Soldat
Communication Manager