Rising competences & skills in less developed Danube regions through food sector cross-topic innovations

Rising competences and skills in less developed Danube regions through food sector cross-topic innovations (advanced smart specialization strategies, industrial transformation and transition towards industry 4.0).
Raise innovation capacity and offer better employment opportunities (prevent brain/job drain) in remote areas with traditional industries (structure changes): FOOD SECTOR - value chain-related sectors important to leverage improvement of the socio-economic situation in remote areas.
Stimulate economic activity (employment generation for regions to maintain critical mass of facilities supporting economic development).

Main Objective
Improve entrepreneurial competences and skills through FOOD innovation potentials and answers to current global challenges.
1) Joint transnational food mentor scheme;
2) Cross-sector assessment tools (digital, energy and circular readiness) and joint knowledge base mentor e-platform with all relevant data access, to support mentorship services on a transnational level.
KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS (digital technologies, energy efficiency and raw material circularity); REGIONAL PARTNERS (implementation on a regional level).
TRANSNATIONAL ADDED VALUE International pool of cross-sector mobile experts, transnational partner network helping local SMEs to become more innovative & competitive, better conditions for business expansion, positive impacts on employment, brain drain stopped, tendencies to immigration.

Project Objectives
1 Setting up the Transnational Mentor Community
Acceleration of knowledge transfer integrated into sustainable connected MENTOR COMMUNITY in order to raise the competences of small-scale food product & service providers and leverage improvement of economic situation in less developed rural regions.
2 Capacity Building and Knowledge Diffusion
Strengthen the knowledge capacity of regional mentors in pilot regions with cross-sector knowledge integration of applications based on
(1) novel digital technologies,
(2) energy efficiency,
(3) material circularity.
3 Policy Learning Center and Capitalisation
Improve the regional innovation ecosystem's capacity to learn, transfer and replicate the »Transnational mentoring program« with its entire capabilities and by designing new policy instruments to support international cooperation and knowledge transfer.

Benefits for Companies
- Real-life testing on actual business cases
- Testing principles: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
- Searching cost efficiency of circular operations
- Analysis of supply chain participants
- Finding appropriate Industry 4.0 technologies to support circular transition
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Project overview
Need any help? Contact us!

Nika da Silva Cavalheiro
Project Manager

Sarah Vidmar
Communication Manager

Marko Močnik
Finance Manager

Borut Zrim
Ecosystem Expert