The Hungarian Year of Science 2025 will be marked by a programme at PTE on Monday 24 March: the VII International Conference on Efficient Water Supply will take place at the MTA PAB Conference Room (Pécs, Jurisics Miklós u. 44.). The opening lecture will be given by Ernő Wagner, President of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, and will include a presentation on military drinking water safety and the SpongeCity project. This is the fourth time that the programme has been accredited by the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers as a professional training course for the Civil Engineering and Water Management and Construction Sections. Mária Eördöghné Dr. Miklós, habil. associate professor, chair of the MTA PAB Mechanical and Civil Engineering Working Committee, the initiator and organiser of the programme, cordially invites everyone who would like to acquire new knowledge in the field of sustainable water supply and drinking water hygiene.
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