Minutes of the first steering committee meeting


The meeting was organized in Békéscsaba, in hybrid format.

The Steering Committee was formally set-up by collecting the nomination letters from all partners.

They presented the methodology for the implementation of Act 1.1 Stakeholder mapping and Act 1.2. State-of-play analysis. The methodology included the insteuments proposed for data collection (quesionnaires and interviews), as well as indications related to the quanity and quality of information to be collected. 

The partners discussed the proposed methodology. Since the information collected for these activities will be relevant for the development of the modelling and optimisation tools under SO2, the partners which will be involved in the development of these tools were invited to indicate if the information which is planned to be collected is in line with their needs.

It was highlighted that the deadline for achieving Deliverables 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 is the end of June, therefore the partners shall organize the data collection and interpretation accordingly.

1st SCOM meeting Store More Minutes.pdf 259.54 KB


By Eszter Németh

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