Be Ready Kick-off Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria: A Collaborative Step Forward

On 29.02.2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Be Ready Project marked a significant milestone with its kick-off meeting. The event brought together 19 partners and 9 ASPs (Associated Strategic Partners) from 12 different countries, all gathered by the Sofia Development Association, the Lead Partner of the project.

The meeting took place on-site, commencing with a warm introduction and welcoming words from Sevdalina Voynova, SDA. Following this, representatives from each partner organization took turns presenting their work, providing insights into their respective organizations and the countries they represent. This exchange set a collaborative tone for the meeting, emphasizing the diverse expertise and shared goals of the consortium.

A key segment of the meeting featured a comprehensive management explanation of the project. Gusztáv Csomor, Danube Programme Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat, joined online to offer clarifications and answer questions regarding the project and the Interreg Danube Region Programme. This session was crucial in aligning the partners' understanding and expectations, ensuring a cohesive approach moving forward.

The consortium then delved into specific aspects of project execution. Svetlana Lomeva led a panel on financial guidelines, providing essential insights into the project's budget management. Nikola Řezáčová, JINAG, gave information and clarification on the Quality Management Plan of the project. This was followed by Denitsa Lozaniva from BISI, who outlined the communication strategy for the Be Ready project, highlighting the importance of effective dissemination and stakeholder engagement.

The productive day concluded with a Steering Committee meeting, which set the stage for a workshop focused on the project's first major activity: "Developing Shared Methodology and Tools for Urban Heat Island (UHI) Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, Including Tools for Community Engagement." Bernhard Pucher from BOKU University led this workshop, guiding participants through the development of methodologies and tools aimed at enhancing urban resilience to heatwaves.

The Be Ready kick-off meeting in Sofia successfully laid the groundwork for a collaborative and impactful project. As partners return to their respective countries, the momentum generated in Sofia promises to drive forward initiatives that will strengthen urban resilience across the Danube region.



By S Voynova


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