Empowering Communities Through Collaboration: Insights from the 9th Dovolj Za Vse Conference on Energy Transition

On October 11, 2024, the 9th Dovolj Za Vse Conference: Energy Transition Tailored for People took place at the Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana. The event gathered experts, including DECA project partners, to address the pressing challenges of the energy transition, focusing on balancing energy security with climate and ecological goals.

The energy transition is one of the critical challenges of our time. It must be approached in a way that ensures energy security for communities while addressing the ongoing climate crisis. Although these goals are often seen as conflicting, the conference demonstrated that they can, in fact, complement each other.

Domestic and international speakers shared real-world examples, showing how energy communities can benefit residents while reducing environmental impacts. The event highlighted some energy communities best practices in Slovenia and aborad and highlighetd the importance of collaboration among stakeholders (authorities, citiznes, support organisations, buinesses) to accelerate community energy initiatives. 

By working together, partners like those in the DECA project and their local stakeholders can make significant strides in creating a more sustainable and secure energy future.





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