International Joint sampling training session

Microplastics in drinking water workshop

We cordially invite you to attend the sampling training workshop for microplastics in drinking water.

The event will be organized by the MicroDrink project team and led by Eurofins at Székesfehérvár, Hungary, starting at 10:30, 9th October 2024

During the event a microplastics sampling process compliant with the EU Drinking Water Directive 2020/2184 guidelines will be demonstrated, filtering a minimum of 1000 L of water to concentrate particles down to 20 μm in size. Aim of the workshop will be:
1) to transfer sampling knowledge to stakeholders and other interested parties, and
2) to collect parallel reference samples and field blank samples that will be used as a way of quality control among national labs that will participate in the project during a one-year-long monitoring campaign.


By MicroDrink CM


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