Newsletter No. 2
Newsletter No. 2
Within the Interreg Danube Region programme 2nd call for proposals and Programme priority: A greener, low-carbon Danube Region, specific objective 2.3. Sustainable, integrated, transnational water and sediment management in the Danube River Basin ensuring good quality and quantity of waters and sediment balance, the project MicroDrink (Capacity building for management and governance of MICROplastics in DRINKing water resources of Danube Region) has been approved.
MicroDrink’s main objective is to enhance capacity building and governance at different levels for management and prevention of MP pollution in drinking water resources of Danube region. MicroDrink will jointly collect, valorize and extend existing knowledge on sampling, analysis, mitigation and prevention of in drinking water environment and develop tools to strengthen policy and decision makers’ knowledge and ensure their collaboration with practitioners and scientific community.
MicroDrink is a follow-up of the project boDEREC-CE which has been focused on emerging contaminants in drinking water, recognized MP pollution as a common DRB challenge that can only be tackled with strong transboundary cooperation.
MicroDrink will, during 30 months of its duration, strive to enhance capacity building and governance at different levels for management and prevention of MP pollution in DRB.
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