Be Ready Project: Tackling Urban Heat Islands With Innovations

Understanding and Tackling Urban Heat Islands (UHI)

Have you ever wondered what Urban Heat Islands (UHI) are and how they affect our cities? This phenomenon can lead to adverse health effects, increased energy consumption, and a decline in the overall quality of life.

Introducing "Be Ready": Your Partner in UHI Mitigation

"Be Ready" is dedicated to equipping local and regional authorities with the necessary tools and knowledge to understand UHI, its causes, and its impacts. Our mission is to:

  • Educate and Empower: Provide comprehensive knowledge about UHI to help authorities grasp the severity of the issue.
  • Innovate and Validate: Co-create, test, and validate innovative solutions to mitigate the effects of UHI in urban areas.
  • Support and Implement: Assist partner cities in developing and implementing action plans that enhance resilience against UHI, focusing on green, blue, and white measures.

 Unveiling "Green Acupuncture" 

Our novel approach, "Green Acupuncture," empowers cities and knowledge partners to implement targeted, impactful, and context-based interventions in critical urban areas. Our city pilots will explore solutions in three key areas:

  • Green Acupuncture: Vegetation-Based Interventions 

Incorporating more greenery into urban landscapes to cool down cities naturally.

  • White Acupuncture: Innovative Surfaces and Materials 

Using advanced materials and surface treatments that reflect heat and reduce temperatures.

  • Blue Acupuncture: Novel Uses of Water Resources

Implementing creative water management strategies to lower urban temperatures.

Join the Movement for Cooler, More Resilient Cities

Ready to learn more? Watch our brand new video to see what we’re working on and how you can join the effort to create cooler, more resilient cities. By adopting these innovative strategies, we can transform our urban environments into healthier, more livable spaces for everyone.

Be Ready Project: Tackling Urban Heat Islands With Innovations


By S Voynova


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