Policy Webinar: City Preparedness and Capacity to Tackle Urban Heat Islands
The urban heat island (UHI) effect presents a growing threat to the livability of urban environments. As the climate crisis intensifies, the issue of UHIs is increasingly affecting not just city centers but also a wide range of built-up areas beyond urban boundaries.
The policy webinar will present major outputs and insights from the work of the 19 city and associated partners from the Danube River Region. We invite you to join us for an expert discussion and policy exchange on how to improve the cities’ adaptive capacity to tackle UHIs. During the webinar we will present a state-of-the-art methodology for UHI risk and vulnerability assessment and an online platform which allows cities to self-assess their preparedness level to mitigate the effects of UHI.
Key speakers include Mr László Balatonyi, Priority Area 5 Coordinator for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), Mr Gusztáv Csomor, DTP JS, Ms Tzvetelina Zarkin, Sofia municipal councilor and member of the Committee of the Regions, BeReady partners and more.
Join us for an engaging discussion and mutual learning between cities, policymakers and experts!
The webinar is organized by the project UrBan hEat islands REsilience, prepAreDness and mitigation strategy (BeReady).
Date: 17 March 2025
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 PM CET
Registration link: https://forms.gle/aWho31q6Tq2ZVtjc8
Live stream via Facebook: HERE

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