October 1 (Day 1) of the Symposium in Gorizia (Italy)
October 1 (Day 1)
Palazzo della Regione, Auditorium della Cultura Friulana, Via Roma, Gorizia
8.30 - 9.00 Registration of Participants
9.00 - 9.30 Welcome to Gorizia, and/or EGTC GO-NG
o Patrizia Artico or Sara Felisetti, Comune di Gorizia
o Tomaž Konrad, Vice-director EGTC
o Aleš Pevc, TPL, DECORATOR Lead Partner
9.30 - 10.15 about the Decorator project and the Symposium
o Gašper Juvančić, TPL, The project Decorator: contents, partnership and objectives
o Marco Acri, UNG, The Symposium: Sessions, objectives and practical info

Session 1 – Experiences of Circular Economy and the Building Sector – Moderate UNG
10.30 -11.45 Opening Lectures
o Gillian Foster, JRC EU, Seville Office – The Building Process in a Circular Economy perspective;
o Paolo Cresci, ARUP, The Circular Building Toolkit, TBC
o Adriano Bisello, EURAC, Multiple Benefits of Urban energy efficiency and Smart City
11.45 - 12.30 Case studies from partners area - Materials
· Sašo Seljak, SALONIT Alpacem Anhovo, SLO, Cement production: circularity in the process and products;
· Dušan Milutinović, CEO ACETRA, The Sustainability of Construction in Mass Timber Design.

12.30 - 13.45 Lunch Break buffet style
14.00 - 17.00 Session 2 - Circular economy in EU Twin Projects Circular Economy and Building Sector
(all JTS of EU projects have been informed with the request to provide contacts of ongoing and previous project merging
● Matjaž Hribar, University of Ljubljana, CROSS-REIS project, Horizon Europe Programme, https://www.crossreis.com/about.html
● Maria Rehbogen, ZUKUNFTS AGENTUR BAU, Division management, Research and future topics; online presentation of ATTENTION and RIBA projects.
● Barbora Vlasatá, EUKI, CirCon4Climate, https://buildingcircularity.eu/about/ , TBC
● Person to be indicated, CIRCLE project, ADRION Programme, TBC
● Alenka Mauko Pranjić, ZAG, Rebuilt Project, Central Europe programme
● Piercarlo Rossi, UNITO, CircleMed Project, Mediterranean Programme, https://unifind.unito.it/resource/project/ROSP_INTERREG_24_01 , TBC
● Person to indicated, CIRCUIT Project, https://www.circuit-project.eu/about-circuit, HORIZON 2020 project, TBC
17.30 - 18.30 Visit of Gorizia

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