4th March: World Cafe in Germany
bayernkreativ WORLDCAFE
Nachhaltiges Bauen im Fokus: Auf dem Weg zur Circular Economy im Bausektor
• 4/03/2024, 15.30 pm - 17:00 pm, duration: 1,5h, online,
The worldcafe was a good opportunity to bring together stakeholders from different areas of the construction sector. Research met the construction industry and the public sector. All participants contributed their different perspectives and problems and suggested solutions if they knew of any. Using a concept board was a good method to enable online collaboration.
Summary of content of the worldcafe as feedback of the participants/results of the two discussions:
room 1: Which materials in the construction sector are actually recyclable?
▪ wood and concrete.
▪ lots of materials may not be 100 percent recyclable but at least “downcycable”.
▪ problem: the use of coatings and glue, they are not recyclable.
▪ what about the deconstruction of buildings? It would help to have a checklist.
▪ materials need a certain quality, differentiation between treated and untreated wood.
▪ downcycling: to recycle as high quality as possible to keep the products in circulation for as long as possible, if the framework conditions are right.
▪ materials: durability: 90% reused, more important: strength and freedom from harmful substances.
▪ insight: downcycling wood for cost and energy reasons
▪ approach: Economical shape for joined components so that the parts are joint.
▪ concrete/bricks: Dismantling, steel is always sorted out
room 2: What challenges and barriers do currently exist in the use of recyclable materials in the construction sector and how can we overcome these to achieve wider acceptance?
▪ question of balancing: Does the use of a recyclable reuse improve the ecological balance?
▪ reuse: Are the used materials listed, so people know, what they consist of?
▪ Do I always have to break a component down to the smallest part? Would it also be acceptable to reuse individual components? (Dismantling)
▪ What can the Chamber of Industry and Commerce do to bring the topic closer to its members, but also to bring it

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