October 2 (Day 2) of the Symposium in Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
October 2 (Day 2)
City Hall of Nova Gorica, trg. Edvarda Kardelja, Nova Gorica
8.30 - 9.00 Registration of Participants
9.00 - 9.30 Welcome to Nova Gorica
o Mayor of Nova Gorica, TBC
o Mojca Stubely Ars, X-Center, Go!2025
o Matjaž Valant, Vice Rector for Research University of Nova Gorica, Director Center for Green technologies
11.15 - 12.30 - Hosting ICOMOS International Committee on Economics of Conservation and Introducing arts and Circular economy
· Marco Acri, UNG, ICOMOS ISCEC Secretary, The Intimate circular dimension of architectural conservation;
· Massimiliano Mazzanti, university of Ferrara, SEEDS Network, The Economic Returns of Circular Economy Practices
● Xavier Greffe, Universite’ Paris !, La Sorbonne, ICOMOS ISCEC president, Circular Economy, Building Sector and Art Models;

9.30 - 13.00 Session 3 - Economics: Arts, Culture, Heritage and circular economy
9.30 - 11.00 - Hosting ICOMOS International Committee on Economics of Conservation
● Luigi Fusco Girard, Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli, ICOMOS ISCEC Member and former president – Circular Economy in a Human Centered Perspective
● Christian Ost, President of Lemaire Center, ICOMOS ISCEC member and former president, Circular Economy and Heritage Adaptive Reuse Business Models
● Christer Gustafsson, Former ICOMOS ISCEC President, University of Uppsala, meta models
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee break

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch Break buffet style
14.15 - 15.30 Session 4 - creativity, Arts and Circular Economy
· Manca Baec, Queen’s College London, Art and Circular economy (online)
· Juri Krpan, Art director, Kersnikova Institute,TBC
· Marta Rota, architect and researcher, University of arts Linz
· Anja Zorko, MAO Ljubljana, Creativity, architecture, Art and Circular economy, TBC
· IoDeposito+UNG, Peripheral visions project and Artistic Residencies
15.30 - 15.45 Coffee break
15.45 - 17.45 Round table, Debate and conclusions. Objective is to summarize Gaps, Challenges and Business Models, as highlighted during the different sessions, and possibly elaborate some more. Future perspectives based on the symposium, including future developments (such as publications, collaborations, etc.) will be also investigated in the final session.

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