Symposium - follow-up after one month
Messages from the DECORATOR Symposium
It was one months ago (1st and 2nd October 2024) that the Critical Thinking Symposium of the DECORATOR project went to Nova Gorica (in Slovenia) that wil be European Capital of Culture in 2025 in cooperation with Gorizia (in Italy) to boost cross-border cooperation relying on common points that links to cities across national borders within the European Union.
Marco Acri (University of Nova Gorica): The Critical Thinking Symposium analysed gaps in governance and business models matching circular economy with the construction sector with an opening for the art sector. By applying circular economy in the built environment, the actions rely very much on the contribution of artists that are always on the forefront of paradigm change in society.

Gašper Juvančič (Technology Park Ljubljana): The DECORATOR community can gain from the actions of the project because Danube region must improve also in the construction sector by applying circular economy concept in how to deal with the construction waste.
Roberto Sandrini (Technology Park Ljubljana): Construction value chains go beyond the borders therefore the DECORATOR project focuses on green and digital transformation of this crutial value chain for European jobs and growth. Innovation within the construction sector is crossed with NEB principles therefore it gives additional input for the transformation not only combining economics and technology but also including esthetics and design aspects.
Gillian Foster (Joint Research Centre, Applied Environmental Economics Team): DECORATOR events will discuss local, regional, national and EU level policies with the objective to improve policy making on all levels. Lessons can be drawn from the pilot actions about what works on the ground in addition to the technology implementation that pilot actions are about.

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