ESINERGY Pilot Action in Hungary
ESINERGY Pilot Action in Hungary
The main goal of the ESINERGY project, implemented with the support of the Interreg Danube Region Program, is to reduce peak loads on the electric grid. To achieve this, Hungarian partners have set the task of preparing an energy community. Energy communities have several advantages. They offer economic benefits. Beyond economic advantages, they enable the use of renewable energy sources by pooling the resources of the local community. This helps to create a form of local energy supply autonomy.
Therefore, they come with economic, social, and community cooperation benefits. The essence of an energy community is that the local community collectively produces, stores, and consumes energy. Members are not only energy consumers but also actively participate in energy supply, thereby reducing energy dependence and easing the load on the electric grid, while also enjoying economic benefits, such as lower energy costs. Energy communities are typically realized through the use of solar energy.
The goal of this international project is to reduce the peak load of the electricity grid, which is a significant challenge. The project partners have committed to attempting to develop pilot solutions that can be replicated. In Hungary, our task in the Lentiszombathely region is to attempt to create a renewable energy community by establishing its framework conditions and sharing our experiences with our partners. Furthermore, we aim to ensure that the experiences gained here can be utilized elsewhere, enabling the creation and operation of additional renewable energy communities.
The ESINERGY project is funded through the Interreg Danube Region Program, with support from the European Union.
The participation of the Hungarian partner in the project is co-financed by the Hungarian State.
ESINERGY Pilot Action in Hungary
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