The Green-Tex Pact, Initiative For The Danube Circular Economy Practices In Textile And Garment Sector Has Been Launched

At the joint synergy meeting of the Green-Tex and Tex-DAN projects, held in Banja Luka on March 24, 2025, the first signatures were placed on the memorandum of accession to the "Green-Tex Pact" for the Danube Circular Economy Practices in Textile and Garment Sector.

The first signatories of this pact were the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency SERDA, the leading partner of the Green-Tex project, and the South-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency from Hungary, the leading partner of the Tex-DAN project. The Memorandum of Understanding for the Green Pact is a key document within the Green-Tex project, aiming to strengthen cooperation among relevant stakeholders in the partner regions of the Danube area. The memorandum establishes a framework for coordinating activities and jointly contributing to the enhancement of ecological and social responsibility in partner destinations within the Danube region.

With this signing, the Green-Tex Pact initiative was officially launched, along with a call to action for suppliers, manufacturers, designers, consumers, textile waste collectors, relevant institutions, educational and research institutions, non-governmental organizations, and all others who are potentially interested in joining the pact.

We also invite interested parties to join the Green-Tex Pact initiative for Danube Circular Economy Practices in Textile and Garment Sector Has Been Launched.




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