Design Thinking Workshop in the Machine Industry
The Design Thinking Workshop promotes cross-company collaboration and knowledge sharing. During the workshop organized by Innoskart with the Hungarian Metal Industry participants worked with invited industry experts on how to most effectively promote the virtuous circle and find practical, scalable solutions to address the challenges.
Businesses discuss the challenges they face in the machinery industry and the possible solutions for businesses to engage in the circular economy.
Attila Gurabi (DBH InnoHub) took a presentation about the circular transformation of the engineering industry
Gábor Szabó (GF Machining Solutions) highlighted the challenges and economic situation of metal cutting companies Zoltán Rigó (Sheldon Industries Zrt.)highlighted in his presentation our hidden reserve, and for the method how to increase the efficiency in machine industry.
Tamás Balogh (GÉPautomatika Kft.)showed an energy measurement in the industry.
Attila Masa (Indeveyes Technologies Ltd.)presented some possible ways to extend the life of machines and production lines.
The event was closed with facilitated brainstorming
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