2nd Interregional Workshop in Moravske Toplice

The 2nd Interregional Meeting of REHEATEAST was held between 15-16 October, 2024, in Moravske Toplice, Slovenia. The event was organised by Local Energy Agency Pomurje (LEAPOM).

Starting with the presentation of Joseph Stephan Institute (JSI) the final conclusions of the analitical phase was jointly approved by the partners and thus the first specific objective called  "Building a common understanding of the status quo and challenges of DHC systems in REHEATEAST region" was finalised.  Following that, partners discussed the specifications of cooperation and optimisation models of DHC in a word-café format. The fruitful discussion was moderated by Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP).

As a closure of the first day, synergies were built with The Danube GeoHeCo project – Fostering the implementation of shallow Geothermal hybrid Heating and Cooling systems in the Danube Region, where Danijela Vrtarić, assistant director at Medjimurje Energy Agency Ltd., from the Lead Partner side introduced us to their activities within the framework of their project. We also had insights on Slovenia's one of the few geothermal district heating located in Lendava. Bits and pieces were shared on the operation of the heating centre presented by Matej Prkič Tehnical Manager. Petrol Geoterm d.o.o, Lendava. Finally Štefan Žohar from LEAPOM detailed the insights of the Paraffin based latent heat storage system in connection with the geothermal DHS in Lendava, a project, implemented within the framework Central Europe's Store4HUC project finalised in 2022.

During the second day, partners dived into discussing in detail the aspects of Scoping DHC Tehcnical features to identify the pilot locations along with the ASPs present. Each partner presented their pilot ideas and experts assisted them to make the pilot concept notes more focussed and better planned. Partnership meeting was closed by Pannon EGTC (PANNON) with the interactive discussion of administrative, financial and communication issues.



By dr. Judit Füzér

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