Activity 2.1 Identification and mapping of dwellings - Introduction
The Activity 2.1 Identification and mapping of dwellings will consist of:
- Network members and consortium members will jointly set criteria and methodology for the identification of dwellings in 11 rural communities and collecting data about dwellings' formal/legal status and for assessing the condition of dwellings,
- GIS will be utilized as software for creating maps of deteriorating dwellings
- Collecting data: desk research, fieldwork, postproduction
- All territorial partners will publish a public call
- Dwellings conditions, legal status, reason/causes why the dwellings are in poor condition
- We will implement the classification of dwellings according to usage (deteriorating empty dwellings and deteriorating occupied dwellings) and according to ownership status (private, public, and unknown) and classification of dwellings according to the condition - dwellings for demolition and dwellings for renovation,
- A comparative analysis will be performed on the consortium level, and it will be used for policy recommendations and support in the development of a multi-stakeholder governance model,
- We will use the mapping activity to prepare a projection of the number of empty dwellings for a 10-year period in case of depopulation trends continuation
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