First round of the interlaboratory comparison to begin soon

Tethys interlaboratory comparison

The first round of the interlaboratory comparison in the project Tethys will begin in the coming days. The distribution of samples is planned on February 17th, under the coordination of the Water Research Institute (WRI) in Bratislava. The subject of the shipment will be: 2 plastic sample bottles with a volume of 1 liter real sample and two glass ampules of 1 ml CRM standards PFAS and Pharmaceuticals. Detailed work instructions for processing samples will be provided.

The interlaboratory comparison is aimed to test and demonstrate the level of comparability of procedures among national laboratories in the Danube River Basin.

The first interlaboratory comparison will be carried now, while afterwards, a workshop will be organized and hosted in Bratislava by WRI. The objective of the workshop is that the institutions involved in the interlaboratory comparison discuss the results and jointly identify and develop solutions to tackle identified deficiencies and problems which hinder the comparability and reliability of the chemical analyses. Last but not least, in the later stage of the project a second interlaboratory comparison will be carried out to test and demonstrate to which extent the identified solutions have led to a tangible improvement.

We look forward to a fruitful cooperation in this activity and will inform you in the future about its results.



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