New Tethys database tool to host concentration data
Database development
To create inventories of emissions of trace contaminants into surface waters with the approach of regionalized pathway analysis a wide variety of concentration data is needed. Not only concentrations of contaminants in surface water but also in matrices acting as emission pathways like wastewater, atmospheric deposition and soil a harmonized data basis is needed.
To support the collection of such concentration data in a harmonized form together with all necessary meta data a new database tool is developed within the Tethys project and will be applied on national and transnational scales.
Building on the experiences from the Danube Hazard m³c project the TU Wien team is leading the development and together with the project partners works on developing a suitable database.
Tethys databaseThe development is based on open software, e.g. the database is implemented in the PostgreSQL database management system, DBeaver is used as graphical user interface for the database and data pre-processing is implemented in R.
Dbeaver interface
All development is hosted on a GitLab server of TU Wien, assuring versioning and backup of all code.
Database test phase
Currently the partners are evaluating the proposed database draft if it is fit-for-purpose regarding functionality, completeness and usability by testing it on a server at TU Wien. The partners feedback will help to improve the quality of the database and assures that finally it will be a tool supporting water quality management at national and transnational scale in the Danube basin (and maybe also elsewhere).
TU Wien Database developers team; Photo credit: Jounes Lutterbach
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