Tethys kick-off conference

The INTERREG project Tethys officially kicked off with a hybrid meeting on 11th of April 2024, attended by over 60 water specialists from fifteen countries and different interest groups, from academia, national and regional authorities, and sectoral agencies.

Adam Kovacs from ICPDR, the host of the event, opened the conference welcoming all participants and shared a video "Welcome message" from ICPDR Executive Secretary Mrs Vogel

Gusztav Csomor, Project Officer at the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat of the INTERREG introduced the Danube Region Programme, while Ottavia Zoboli, the Project Manager (TU Wien) explained the context and objectives of the Tethys project and presented the partners. 

The kick-off conference was a successful start of this EU funded project that will run until June 2026. Its ultimate objective is to provide the national authorities of the Danube countries and ICPDR with operative, fit-for-purpose and harmonized procedures, workflows and tools as well as coordinated strategies and prioritization of actions to tackle effectively new challenges, pressures and targets regarding HS water pollution in the Danube River Basin (DRB), with special focus on aligning and bridging the gaps between EU and non-EU countries.


Tethys Kick-off conference and first Partner meeting, Vienna 2024

Project partners unveil key objectives

The Partners leading work within Project Specific Objectives introduced individual activities and showed how they interact and complement each other: Mathias Zessner (TU Wien) presented SO1: Fit-for-purpose and harmonized data acquisition, management and assessment of HS water pollution, Adrienne Clement (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) presented SO2: Fit-for-purpose and harmonized HS emissions modelling for emerging challenges and pressures, and Adam Kovacs (ICPDR) brought closer SO3: Coordinated Danube Action for the titanic endeavor of tackling hazardous substances water pollution under changing pressures, challenges and targets. The presentations were followed with a short question & answers session.



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