WE.Circular honored with Danube Strategy Flagship title

On July 8, 2024, a joint event was held by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg and IHK Ulm, Germany, as part of the International Danube Festival in Ulm.

Alongside the main event, meetings of the committees and project meetings of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Priority Area 8 Competitiveness of Enterprises, took place.

State Secretary Dr. Rapp, together with Croatian State Secretary Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, Priority Area 8 coordinators Carmen Hawkins and Nirvana Kapitian Butković, and Cristina Cuk from the Danube Strategy Point, presented awards to three "flagship projects" of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

We are proud that WE.Circular was among the awarded projects! As the lead partner of the project and on behalf of the partner consortium, Project Manager Ralitsa Zhekova received a Certificate during a formal ceremony.

It is both an honor and a great responsibility for us!

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By Mariya Zlateva

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