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Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat

The Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat (MA/JS) of the Danube Region Programme serves as the main point of contact for potential beneficiaries, providing guidance on the application process and supporting project management. It is located in Budapest, Hungary. 


Nagymező utca 44, 1065 Budapest, Hungary

Open hours:

8 am - 5 pm Monday-Thursday. 8 am - 2 pm on Friday.


+36 (30) 1720004


Mailing address:

Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development, Danube Programme Managing Authority. POST: 1358 Budapest, Pf.: 19., Hungary / COURIER: 1055 Budapest, Honvéd utca 28., Hungary

Imre Csalagovits

Head of the Managing Authority

Imre is responsible for overseeing the tasks performed by the DRP's Managing Authority (MA), prioritizing and dividing them among the staff. He also oversees the development of necessary management procedures for the programme implementation and monitors programme’s communication. Additionally, Imre represents the programme at external events and handles official communication on behalf of the MA and the Joint Secretariat.

Simona plays a key role in organising the work of Joint Secretariat by managing the project and communication related activities. She coordinates the preparation of calls for proposal, including both content and financial aspects, as well as project development, assessment procedure and content and financial monitoring of the projects’ implementation. She is the contact person for project state aid related issues. Among her tasks as the head of Joint Secretariat, she supervises external experts, controls the performance of tasks relating to the operational and maintenance processes of the programme’s monitoring system and contributes to the development of the programme’s indicator system. Additionally, she coordinates the preparation of implementation reports for the European Commission, the development of strategic documents and analyses for the Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee.

Szonja Bagi

Monitoring Coordinator

Szonja is responsible for various tasks related to the operation of the programme’s monitoring and information system as well as controlling and coordination activities. This includes tasks such as managing access to the system, assessing error reports and development needs or communicating with developers. She is also providing administrative support for programme management. Additionally, Szonja communicates with the programme’s hosting institution, and institutional players involved in the programme’s legal, financial, and IT procedures.

Alíz is in charge of monitoring EU as well as national legislation and institutional regulations that impact the programme. She advises the MA/JS staff regarding significant regulatory changes and propose amendments to programme documents or procedures as needed. She also coordinates with the European Commission on questions related to legal interpretation of regulations, supports the preparation of subsidy contracts and financing agreements, especially concerning external funding and non-Member States, and supports the supervision of public procurement regulations. Within the hosting institution, Alíz collaborates with the legal and HR units and coordinates GDPR-related matters within the MA/JS.

Péter Kalmár

Quality Assurance Manager

Péter supports the development and coherence of control documents, monitors their application, and initiates amendments as necessary. He also conducts audits, ensures quality assurance for official documents and coordinates the MA/JS’ processes related to subsidy contracts and partnership agreements as well as the development of anti-fraud and risk assessment systems. Additionally, Péter monitors compliance with deadlines, contributes to performance assessments and oversee training and knowledge management.

Gusztáv Csomor

Senior Project Officer

Gusztáv is primarily responsible for the programme’s objectives related to environment, including the climate change adaptation and environmental risk management; the water management and the biodiversity related ones. He is involved in the preparation of calls for proposals, provides advice to potential applicants regarding the application process, the evaluation of applications, preparing subsidy contracts, and providing assistance to lead partners in project implementation. Furthermore, as Project Officer, Gusztáv is also involved in monitoring project progress, ensuring compliance with communication obligations, and updating data in the programme’s monitoring and IT system. He also plays an active role in its development by collaborating with JEMS coordinators and IT experts on the monitoring system setup and testing.

Katalin is responsible for coordinating of the programme's objectives related to innovation. She provides guidance to project applicants and participates in applications evaluation and contract preparation. She also assists in the preparation of calls for proposals, evaluation reports and supports lead partners during project implementation and reporting. Furthermore, Katalin supports programme communication, ensures quality control of all programme documents from a visual identity standpoint and contributes to the development of various communication materials.

Horst is responsible for the coordination of the energy and transport topics. As Project Officer, he participates in the preparation of the calls for proposals, gives advice to applicants, evaluates applications and takes part in the preparation of the evaluation report, prepares subsidy contracts and provides assistance to lead partners in project implementation. Additionally, Horst is also involved in the development of the programme implementation manual and other implementation documents, participates in the preparation and realisation of the programmes events, as well as in the development of the programme monitoring system and IT tools.

Stephen Jonathan Halligan

Senior Project Officer

Stephen is responsible for the coordination of the programme’s social objectives, in particular the labour market topic. In addition to his responsibilities as Project Officer, Stephen focuses on monitoring the implementation of the programme evaluation plan and coordinates the development of the evaluation reports, including assessment and feedback. He also ensures that the monitoring system contains the necessary data for evaluation purposes, and supports the project officers coordinating the monitoring system by developing programme level reports for evaluation purposes.

Johannes Gabriel

Senior Project Officer

Johannes coordinates the governance topics of the programme and participates in the preparation of the calls for proposals, gives advice to applicants, evaluates applications and takes part in the preparation of the evaluation report. He plays a key role in the programme’s support to the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) governance. As Project Officer he develops the EUSDR calls for proposals, including assessment criteria and monitors the implementation of related projects. Additionally, Johannes leads the analysis and reports on the implementation of the EUSDR governance support, participates as an observer in the EUSDR networks and working groups, including priority area coordinators and national coordinators’ meetings.

Natalia is responsible for coordinating culture, tourism and heritage topics. In her position of Project Officer, she participates in the preparation of the calls for proposals, gives advice to applicants, evaluates applications and supports lead partners in project implementation. Natalia is also co-responsible for coordinating the development of the programme’s monitoring system.

Mirjana Vidanović

Communication Officer

Mirjana is responsible for coordinating the National Contact Points (NCPs) and handling various communication-related tasks, such as organizing and conducting training sessions for both the Project Officers and NCPs, providing advice on communication requirements to project partners or creating content for the programme’s information materials. She also contributes to the programme’s communication strategy and development of the annual communication plans and help organise programme events.

Beata Marczis

Head of Financial Management and Administration Unit

Beáta coordinates and manages the financial system of the programme, and responsible for the comprehensive management of the unit. She defines expenditure eligibility rules regulating financial procedures, and ensures consistent application of these rules. She is supervising the control systems operated by the Partner States and overseeing the development of their control activities. She is also responsible for coordinating and monitoring the programme’s technical assistance (TA) budget, collaborating with the Certifying Authority and the Audit Authority on programme-level financial matters, and managing administrative tasks of the department. Additionally, Beáta play a key role in developing financial data and analyses to support financial decisions made by the Monitoring Committee or the Managing Authority.

Mirjana Arsenić Petrović

Senior Financial Manager

Mirjana is mainly responsible for maintaining the control systems and for project financial management. She facilitates communication between the MA/JS and controllers of Partner States on control related issues, organizes meetings, and collects and keeps records of the up-dates of the national control system descriptions, receives and supervises the verification reports of the Partner States. She also supports the integration of external financing sources. Additionally, Mirjana contributes to the development of financial systems and eligibility rules, and acts as a substitute for the Head of the Financial and Administration Unit on project-level financial matters.

Nashoan reviews financial reports submitted by projects, ensuring that costs are accurately settled and comply with eligibility rules. He also ensures the smooth functioning of the programme's IT infrastructure by overseeing hardware and software maintenance, providing technical support to online meetings, seminars, and trainings organized by the MA/JS and collaborating with the IT department of the hosting institution as needed. Additionally, Nashoan is responsible for the eMS system and the additional development of the JEMS system by supporting the introduction of the JEMS system within the MA/JS and performing system administration tasks for both the eMS and JEMS systems.

Mihajlo is mainly responsible for project financial management. He is responsible for the irregularity management system at programme level, including clarification of irregularity cases with the relevant national authorities and management of recovery procedures. He also handles irregularity questions for closed projects, engages in anti-fraud and risk management tasks. He contributes to the development of risk assessment criteria at the program level. Additionally, Mihajlo is involved in entering financial data into the Arachne system.

Gábor is responsible for setting up the financial and controlling system for operational costs. His tasks include planning and monitoring cash flow, preparing financial reports, supporting IT project management, participating in the development of workflow and reporting modules, ensuring compliance with eligibility rules and conducting internal control tasks. He is also supporting HR-related issues, preparing training plans, contributing to the development of internal regulations and procedures, and managing internal meetings, trainings, and team-building activities.

Árpád provides guidance and advice to projects, controllers, and internal and external officers on financial matters. In addition, Árpád is involved in the financial controlling of TA beneficiaries' reports. He contributes to the planning, monitoring, and adjusting the TA budget for the programme and is responsible for preparing requests for national TA contributions from Partner States. He also contributes to the tasks related to programme closure.

Lilla supports the smooth operation of the MA/JS. She contributes to event organization and communication with service providers. Lilla also provides administrative support to team members, participates in the development and monitoring of internal procedures, and assists in the overall management of the MA/JS by supporting the Head of the Managing Authority.

National Contact Points

In all our participating countries is a National Contact Point (NCP). The NCPs assist the Joint Secretariat at the national level and serve as the first point of contact for inquiries about the programme. 


ÖROK - Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning , Fleischmarkt 1, 1010 Vienna


Directorate for European Integration Djoke Mazalica 5, 71000 Sarajevo

Mobile phone: +387 61 357 734


Djoke Mazalića 5, 71 000 Sarajevo

Fax: +387 33 255 000


Ministry of Regional Development & Public Works 17-19. Sv. Kiril i Metodi str, 1202 Sofia

Fax: +359 2 942 5594


Ministry of Regional Development & EU funds Miramarska cesta 22, 10000 Zagreb


Ministry for Regional Develpment Staromestské námesti 6, 11015 Praha 1


Ministry for Regional Develpment Staromestské námesti 6, 11015 Praha 1

Position to be filled soon /


Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg Schlossplatz 4, 70173 Stuttgart


Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development Postal address: 1358 Budapest, Pf.: 19, Hungary


State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova, 1, Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale street, Chişinău


State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova, 1, Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale street, Chişinău


Ministry of European Affairs, Bulevar Ivana Crnojevića 167, 81000 Podgorica


Ministry of European Affairs, Bulevar Ivana Crnojevića 167, 81000 Podgorica


Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration European Territorial Cooperation General Directorate Libertatii Bvd. no.14, 4th floor, room no. 412, Sector 5, Bucharest

Fax: +40 372 111 456


Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration European Territorial Cooperation General Directorate Libertatii Bvd. no.14, 4th floor, room no. 412, Sector 5, Bucharest

Fax: +40 372 111 456


Ministry of European Integration 34 Nemanjina st, 11000 Belgrade


Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation Štefánikova 15, 811 05 Bratislava


Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation Štefánikova 15, 811 05 Bratislava


Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation Štefánikova 15, 811 05 Bratislava


Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, Slovenia Kotnikova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana


Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development

Olga Savchenko (responsable for DTP)

Viktoriia Yakymenko

responsible for DRP


Secretariat of the Cabinet of the Ministries of Ukraine

Monitoring Committee

Our Monitoring Committee is responsible for supervising the work of the Managing Auhority/Joint Secretariat and making decisions on project selection and funding allocation. The MC is composed of representatives from each participating country, as well as representatives from the European Commission. 

Mersiha Delić

Directorate for European Integration

Substitute Member: Sanja Vukadin

Christiane Breznik

Full member

Amt der Wiener Landesregierung; Magistratsabteilung 27 - Europäische Angelegenheiten

Substitute Member: Martin Hutter

Jutta Moll-Marwan

Full member

Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism Directorate VII/5 - Co-ordination Regional Policy and Spatial Planning

Substitute Member : Alexandra Deimel

Tarik Džajić

Full member

Directorate for European Integration

Substitute Member: Lejla Šadinlija

Marta Tsvetanova

Full member

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

Substitute Member: Simona Slavcheva

Tsvetomir Tsanev

Full member

Ministry of Regional Development & Public Works

Substitute Member: Nikolay Mikov

Milen Obretenov

Full member

National Association of Municipalities

Substitute Member : Irina Rangelova

Ivan Lajtman

Full member

Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds

Substitute Member : Sanjin Vlastelica

Mislav Kovač

Full member

Ministry of Regional Development & European Funds

Substitute Member : Marko Opančar

Zrinka Čobanković

Full member

Vukovarsko - Srijemska County

Substitute Member : Denis Čosić

Adéla Kiššová

Full member

Ministry of Regional Development

Substitute Member : Stella Horváthová

Pavel Lukes

Full member

Ministry of Regional Development

Jan Pribán

Full member

The Pilsen Region

Christina Bredella

Full member

Federal Institution for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

Substitute Member : Heike Hagedorn

Nina Wagner

Full member

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Substitute Member : Bernd Kloke

Dr. Judit Schrick-Szenczi

Full member

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg

Dávid Bán

Full member

Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development

Substitute Member: Béla Hegyesi

Viktor György Oroszi

Full member

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Substitute Member : Gábor Németh

Aurelia Cernei

Full member

Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Substitute Member : Sabina Resetnic

Valeria Bicu

Full member

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova

Substitute Member : Maxim Captari

Emilia Cebotari

Full member

State Chancellery

Substitute Member : Iulia Mihalachi

Miloš Marković

Ministry of European Affairs

Substitute Member : Nada Pejović

Veselin Šćepanović

Full member

Ministry of European Affairs

Substitute Member : Miloš Damjanović

Jasna Bulatović

Full member

Ministry of European Affairs

Substitute Member : Milena Adžić

Razvan Stefan Rab

Full member

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Substitute Member : Valentin Panait

Camelia Coporan

Full member

General Directorate for European Territorial Cooperation - Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration

Substitute Member : Maria Magdalena VOINEA; Alina MIHALACHE; Camelia NIȚULESCU

Maria Magdalena

Full member

General Directorate for European Territorial Cooperation - Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration

Substitute Member : Alina Mihalache, Simona Arghire; Camelia Nitulescu

Ivana Davidović

Full member

Ministry of European Integration34 Nemanjina St.

Substitute Member : Tijana Didanović

Kristina Ašković

Full member

Ministry of European Integration

Substitute Member : Irena Komazec Cvetković

Sanda Šimić

Full member

Ministry of European Integration

Substitute Member : Dragan Popović

Boris Strižinec

Full member

Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation

Substitute Member: František Koločány

Veronika Čevelová

Full member

Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation

Substitute Member : František Koločány

Nadja Kobe

Full member

Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development

Substitute Member: Aleksandra Šuster Močnik

Olena Feleniuk

Full member

Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Substitute Member: Yana Romaniuk; Viktoriia Yakymenko

Yevhenii Shchehlakov

Full member

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Substitute member: Ruslana Linnik

Olga Savchenko

Full member

Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine and Infrastructure of Ukraine

Substitute Member : Liudmyla Makarenko