DRP at a glance
The Interreg Danube Region Programme (DRP) is a transnational funding programme, co-funded by the European Union. We help advance competitiveness and sustainable development of the programme's area through innovation, green transition, social inclusion and better regional governance.

DTP project Tid(y)Up (photo from a clean-up race on the Tisza river).
How it works
We finance transnational cooperation projects through calls for proposals which are published on our website. The funding available for projects in 2021-27 programming period is EUR 266 million, which includes EU support from Interreg funds and national funds from partner states.
Approved projects are granted up to 80% of their budget from the programme. The remaining costs must be covered by own resources or by an external/state contribution.

Programme area
Our programme involves 9 EU Member States: Austria, 2 German regions (Baden-Württemberg and Bayern), Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria and 5 non-EU countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine.
We have the highest number of participating countries out of all the transnational programmes of the EU, covering an area of one fifth of the EU’s territory with a population of 114 million people.

Have a question?
Our team is ready to help you!
Office address: Nagymező utca 44, 1065 Budapest, Hungary
Contact us
Interreg workshop in Sligo, Ireland.
Part of the Interreg family
We are one of more than 100 Interreg programmes, which have been part of the EU Cohesion Policy since 1990. Cohesion Policy targets all regions and cities in the European Union in order to support job creation, business competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development, and improve citizens' quality of life.
The total budget for cooperation projects through the EU's Interreg instrument for the period 2021-2027 is nearly 10 billion EUR.
What makes our programme unique is that it offers a platform for cooperation in strategic areas between EU Member States and non-EU countries in the Danube region.

DTP project DANOVA (photo from training "Approach and Communication with People with Visual Impairments" organised at airports of Montenegro in Podgorica).
Past and future of cooperation
The history of cooperation in the Danube region started in 1997 when the first transnational programme CADSES was created. This was succeeded by the South East Europe Programme. Finally, through the Danube Transnational Programme 143 projects received 275 million euros of funding in the 2014-2020 programming period.