How to apply
We offer funding for organisations from 14 countries that make up the Danube region: 9 of them EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Germany: Baden Württemberg and Bavaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and 5 non-member states (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine). Only organisations based in the Danube region can apply and get funding. Partners in projects can be:
Local, regional, national public bodies/ bodies governed by public law (including EGTCs in the meaning of Article 2(16) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)
International organisations
Private bodies
The funding available for projects in 2021–27 programming period is EUR 266 million, which includes EU support from Interreg funds and national funds from partner states.
Projects from all Danube region countries can receive up to 80% co-financing. The remaining 20% can be covered either by public co-financing scheme provided by partner states (if available), own sources of the project partner and/or other contribution (e.g. regional/local/other).
Development and implementation of strategies, tools and services, such as policy frameworks, guidelines that can be implemented across multiple countries or regions.
Preparation of transnational investments that may be funded through other sources, such as other EU or national funding programmes.
Pilot activities, testing and demonstrating new technologies or solutions used to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of new ideas before they are scaled up.
Training and capacity building of stakeholders to implement transnational strategies, tools, and services or developing networks of experts in specific fields.
While other special conditions and/or restrictions may be set in the each call for applications, general requirements that apply to all projects are:
Include three Danube countries
Your project must include partners in at least three of the region's countries, with at least one being a partner from an EU Member State.Contribute to our objectives
You must apply under one of the specific objectives defined for one of the 4 programme priorities. Please take care to select the one that is the best match for your idea.Support transnational cooperation
You must meet our cooperation criteria, including that the project idea and activities are developed and carried out collaboratively. Learn how to develop a transnational project.
We announce our funding opportunities through calls for proposals. You can submit your online application only during open calls. Each call includes detailed information on what are the project requirements.
Projects are usually selected based on a two-step application procedure: in the first step, you submit an Expression of Interest, outlining the project's objectives. Promising proposals will be invited to submit a detailed Application Form.
If you are invited for the second step, we will also provide you with recommendations on your proposal (e.g. extending the partnership, merging with other project proposals, etc.).
Decisions on the final project selection are taken by the programme’s Monitoring Committee.
During the calls for proposals we organize thematic seminars/webinars to explain the programme objectives, application procedures, available budget, co-financing rates or eligibility criteria and other specificities of each call. Keep up-to-date with upcoming events through the event page on the website or our newsletter.
We also provide individual consultations to offer initial feedback on your project idea and what to consider when preparing the application form. If you can't find the answer to your question, feel free to contact your National Contact Point at any time.
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Video tutorials
How to use Jems
How to build intervention logic
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