Who we are

The management and support of the Danube Region Programme are overseen by several programme bodies tasked with programme administration and project assistance. These bodies comprise representatives from all partner countries. DRP also supports the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

DRP team at the 12th EUSDR Annual Forum in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.

Managing Authority/ Joint Secretariat

The Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat (MA/JS) of the Danube Region Programme serves as the main point of contact for potential beneficiaries, providing guidance on the application process and supporting project management. It is located in Budapest, Hungary.

Get in touch

National Contact Points

In all our participating countries is a National Contact Point (NCP). The NCPs assist the Joint Secretariat at the national level and serve as the first point of contact for inquiries about the programme.

What can NCPs do for you?

  •  Answer questions about the programme's rules (e.g. eligibility criteria, and application process) and national rules in national language.
  •  Assist in finding potential partners for your project in your country or elsewhere across the region.
  •  Help with creating your project application form (e.g. choosing programme priority/type of activity/intervention logic, give feedback on the draft application form.
Find your NCP

Monitoring Committee meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Monitoring Committee

Our Monitoring Committee is responsible for supervising the work of the Managing Auhority/Joint Secretariat and making decisions on project selection and funding allocation. The MC is composed of representatives from each participating country, as well as representatives from the European Commission. 

Contact your MC member

EU Strategy for Danube Region

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) started its implementation in June 2011. It intends to develop coordinated policies and actions in the area of the river basin, reinforcing the commitments of Europe 2020 strategy towards the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Our programme provides co-financing to the activities carried out by the EUSDR. In line with the implementation of our Specific Objective 4.1., a dedicated call for the financial support of the EUSDR was launched in July 2022. Starting with 2023 this support scheme ensures the functioning of EUSDR for a six years period. 

Visit EUSDR website

Meeting of EUSDR coordinators in Vienna, Austria. © Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs

Audit authority

The Audit Authority (AA) ensures that audits are carried out on the management and control systems, on an appropriate sample of operations and on the annual accounts. The AA is assisted by a Group of Auditors comprising of representatives from responsible bodies of each member country.

Meeting of controllers in Budapest in May 2024.

Certifying authority

The Certifying Authority (CA) is responsible for drawing up and submitting certified statements of expenditure and applications for payment to the European Commission (EC) and receiving payments from the EC.


Controllers are designated by each member country to ensure the compliance of expenditure incurred by the national project partners with Community and national rules, by carrying out appropriate verifications, covering administrative, financial, technical and physical aspects of operations. Each country participating in the programme is responsible for verifications carried out on its territory.

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