Boosting the uptake of emerging technologies in circular economy implementation in construction and buildings industry in Danube region to sustainably harness the twin transition for greener future

39 entities from 13 countries cooperate to bbost circularity in construction business through digital innovations
The construction and building industry in Danube region depletes resources, generates over a third of the total waste and emits greenhouse gases at large scale - more in lagging countries and less in the innovations' pioneers in the area. The fragmented and risk-averse construction sector is slow to adopt digital innovation across Danube area. Digital technologies serve as a prerequisite for a shift to circular constructions where building materials are reused. The circular economy (CE) has the potential to capitalise upon emerging digital technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and the Internet of things (IoT), amongst others. These digital technologies combined with business model innovation are deemed to provide solutions to myriad problems in the diverse Danube region, related to CE transformation. Applying new approaches and inter-sectoral solutions, the project aims to capture the essence of the achievement at the intersection of the CE and digital technologies with a focus on forging pathways of CE implementation across Danube countries.

Enhancing Danube area COOPERATION to boost circularity in construction and improve related policies
The project will set and enhance new sustainable forms of transnational territorial cooperation to design new future and emerging technological paradigms with highest potential to boost circularity in construction and related policies for their implementation

Valorising existing KNOWLEDGE and innovations in CE-driven emerging technologies for construction
The project will valorise existing knowledge and identifying applicable trailblazer innovations in CE-driven emerging digital technologies for construction and buildings in Danube area

CHANGE is Key 3
CHANGE in the framework conditions for fostering sustainable uptake of innovations in construction
The project will change the framework conditions for implementation of CE approaches in construction and related waste management innovation through:
- 3 pilots in 3 Danube countries implementing digitalisation-led CE initiatives in construction
- improving strategic documents and policies at territorial and transnational level
- upheaving stakeholders’ capacity for their implementation and further improvement
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Silvia Stumpf
Project manager
Senior expert in corporate and project management - 25 years of expertise in initiating, developing and implementing large projects in the field of research and innovation in education, social services, clustering, start-ups, digitalisation and digital innovation, Industry 4.0 and circular economy, smart specialisation for regional development. Chairwoman of Business Agency Association - public-private entity (since 2000), one-stop shop (R) for digital transformation.