"Harnessing regions’ full potential for transition to cleaner construction" transnational seminar

First transnational seminar

     All partners of project Circulardigibuild gathered in Vienna to discuss challenges and opportunities for the cross-sectoral cooperation between construction, digitalisation and circular economy in Danube area. They held together an online streamlined webinar "Harnessing regions’ full potential for transition to cleaner construction", on which all partnering 14 countries regional state and ambitions have been presented.

   In the first panel  “Boosting the uptake of emerging technologies in circular economy implementation in construction and buildings industry in Danube region to sustainably harness the twin transition for greener future - project partners’ regional situation and ambitions” all partners shared their inputs. A rich image of the region has been presented and a discussion held.

   Within the second panel “Digitalization in the construction industry in the Danube area" partners have focused on facts and opportunities for digital transformation, and also on existing policies and financing measures. Tools for digital transformation in construction have been enlisted by Maria Nakova, PP17, eDIH Bulgaria.  Collin Flesner and Tanja Spennlingwimmer, PP03 Austria, presented “aws Funding Program Building(s) Tomorrow - Fostering Austrian Innovation Potential in the Building Sector”. The Legal Framework for Data Governance and Sustainability in the building lifecycle has been analysed by Prof. Beatrix Weber, PP04 HSH, Germany.

  In the third panel, “Technologies and smart solutions in construction for boosting circular economy implementation” Prof.| Mario Vašak, PP15, Croatia, has talked about the “Mathematical optimization in renovation decision making and management of buildings”.  Ben Hague and Andrea Veselá, PP5, INCIEN, Czech Republic have talked about the challenges, opportunities and the role of
 digitalisation in the implementation of Circular economy in construction. 

  The workshop has been closed with an “Overview of emerging European frameworks for aggregating and accessing data - Digital Building Logbooks, Material Passports, and others”, held by Emiliyan Enev, PP02, Bulgaria.

   Project partners have held a vivid and fruitful discussion on the matter, planning their next interventions.


By Silvia Stumpf


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