#CultHeRit – open job positions in partner institutions involved in the project

The multidisciplinary partnership from the region aims to induce positive changes of the current employment practices in the cultural heritage institutes and museums (CHIM) in the region. By increasing the accessibility of the sector for the young professionals, the project contributes to slowing down and reversing migration of the highly educated young people and to retaining the skilled labor in the CHIM, while increasing diversity of the sectoral workforce. Ultimately, CultHeRit strives to ensure that the sector becomes and remains an attractive workplace which offers a rewarding career and professional development to all its employees.

As a part of testing the Transnational Aspirational Employment Model each of 13 cultural heritage institutions now is hiring!

Check the link below to see opening job position at CultHeRit #CHIM and share this information with your friends.

1.      MAK – Museum of Applied Arts Vienna

Job position: Collection Staff for the Library an Works on Paper Collection/Archive

Link: Stellenausschreibung_Interreg Projekt CultHeRit_DE_EN neu8.pdf


2. UPM – Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague

 Job position: Specialist in the field of art history and design for working with audiences

Link: https://www.upm.cz/wp-content/uploads/Inzerat-Cultherit_prezentace-1.pdf


3.      MNIT – National Museum for the History of Transylvania, Cluj

Job position: Museum Educator

Link: https://mnit.ro/-/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/ANUNT-CONCURS-PROIECT-CULTHERIT.pdf 


4.      MNMKK – Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest

Job position: Research Project Assistant

Link:  https://www.imm.hu/hu/contents/104,%C3%81ll%C3%A1shirdet%C3%A9sek


5.   IPCMS – Intermunicipal Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments - Subotica

Job position: Associate for Art History

Link: https://www.heritage-su.org.rs/konkurs-radno-mesto-istoricar/


By Marija Jurkić-Flis

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