Exploring Sediment Management for Navigation: Highlights from DISC’24
On December 3–4, 2024, representatives from the National Administration Romanian Waters a partner in the DanubeSediment_Q2 project, participated in the Danube Information Services Conference (DISC’24) in Varna, Bulgaria.
DISC is an annual event hosted by GIS Forum Danube, dedicated to advancing River Information Services and fostering collaboration among waterway managers, industry stakeholders, and water resources administrators across the Danube region. This year’s conference, hosted by the Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River (a DanubeSediment_Q2 project partner), emphasized innovative approaches to waterway management and sustainable development.
During DISC’24, the Apele Rom“ne team, led by Vlad Florea Gabrian, actively engaged with key themes:
- Presenting the DanubeSediment_Q2 Project: Sharing insights into integrated qualitative and quantitative sediment management across the Danube basin.
- Participating in discussions: Addressing sediment challenges related to navigation and environmental sustainability.
- Networking: Establishing collaborations and exchanging expertise with international participants.
- Learning from complementary projects: Gaining insights into initiatives like iNNO SED Project , SUNDANSE, DISMAR, and FAIRway Danube 2, enhancing sediment management strategies.
The event also featured cutting-edge technology, including a demonstration of a high-resolution multibeam, fully autonomous survey device for bathymetric studies on the Black Sea shore.
Moderated by Romeo Soare, representative of the Galati Lower Danube River Administration and an Associated Partner in DanubeSediment_Q2, DISC’24 explored the theme “A New Generation of Systems and Services along the European Inland Waterways.”
The participation of DanubeSediment_Q2 highlighted the intersection of sustainable sediment management and navigation efficiency, aligning with environmental goals under the Water Framework Directive. DISC’24 provided a vital platform for exchanging knowledge, fostering innovation, and strengthening partnerships essential to the Danube region’s waterway and sediment management.

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