Exploring the Geochemistry of River Sediments: Insights from the Mur/Mura and Drava River Catchments
Exploring the Geochemistry of River Sediments: Insights from the Mur/Mura and Drava River Catchments
On November 29, 2024, at the scenic Radenci Spa in Slovenia, the MURmap project hosted an expert event titled: “Geochemical Properties of Water and Sediments of the Mur River with a Focus on Modern Analyses”.
The event, organized by GeoZS - Geological Survey of Slovenia , MontanuniversitätLeoben, and Kemijski inštitut - National Institute of Chemistry, brought together local communities, development agencies, and experts to discuss key findings and innovative approaches to river sediment monitoring and management. Dr. Jasminka Alijagic from GeoZS presented the overarching vision of the DanubeSediment_Q2 project, emphasizing the critical importance of monitoring and managing sediment quality. Additionally, the event showcased results from nearly two decades of sediment quality research along the transboundary Drava River.These discussions underscore the importance of collaborative efforts in ensuring sustainable river ecosystem management.
Learn more about the MURmap project here: https://www.murmap.at/en/m-news-media-en
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