Project partner: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
The Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (UL FGG) engages in educational,
research, development, professional, and consulting activities within the fields of civil
engineering, environmental engineering, and geodesy. The research team at the
Chair of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (KSH) boasts over 30 years of
expertise in hydrology, erosion and sedimentation, water management, reclamation,
hydraulic structures, hydroelectric power, water science, and natural risk
management. Research is conducted through collaboration in the national research
programme P2-180, as well as participation in various market, European, and other
research projects. Some team members are also actively involved with the UNESCO
Chair on Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction (WRDRR) and are members of the
International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), contributing their expertise on
dams and hydraulic structures. For more than 20 years, we have operated several
experimental catchments, enabling us to conduct measurements of numerous
parameters in diverse environments. These include urban parks (e.g., testing blue-
green solutions), headwater catchments (e.g., analyzing water chemistry or water
cycle elements), and hydro-technical structures such as dams (e.g., monitoring
vibrations and concrete abrasion).

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