TEX-DAN Moving forward with circularity in textile and fashion value chains

TEX-DAN aims to increase awareness of the importance of circular textile management and bring the Danube region closer to the best EU and global good practices. In our project we will test technology solutions along 4 key segments of the T&F value chain: 1) bioeconomy clothing, 2) circular design, 3) circulation production processes, 4) recycling. Our partnership aims at upgrading local, regional and national policies that promote circularity and to boost transnational collaboration and knowledge exchange.

During the 30 months of the project duration, 14 partners from 11 countries shall run workshops, study trips, project conferences, implement pilot actions and set up Danube Circ-TEX value chains, brand and circular cluster. The very first activity is to analyze current state of the affairs in each country and to collect good practices in technology and in business models. In addition, each partner will run a local workshop to introduce TEX-DAN to stakeholders and to discuss opportunities and challenges in local textile zero waste concept. The finding will be elaborated in the Joint report defining intervention areas, given current overview of the Danube region circular textile management challenges and opportunities.  

Joint report, the list of best practices, pilot project examples etc. can be found and upload from the
 Library page https://interreg-danube.eu/projects/tex-dan/library.

The joint report will be followed by three pilot projects aiming to transfer new technologies and business models into specific actions in three areas: 1) design; 2) production and 3) recycling of textiles. Each project partner will choose which pilot to join based on interest and capacities in its own region. Apart from pilot actions, good practices will be shared through 4 study trips in Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Austria. The major purpose is to exchange new technologies and to present regional SMEs to local stakeholders.    

In the last year, it will be established Danube Circ-TEX value chain, Danube short-transport textile brand and transnational platform Danube circular textile cluster. The purpose is to increase regional business opportunities, to shorten long transport lines from Asia to EU and to promote circularity. The cluster is planned to be registered at the European Cluster Collaboration Platform allowing it to obtain funds from the Platform for ensuring financial sustainability after project ends. The brand is likely to be managed by the cluster.

Project overview

Start date:

01 January 2024

Status: ongoing

End date:

30 June 2026



80.00 % funded by
Interreg Funds





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Zoltan BENDO

project manager

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