TEX DAN at Capitalization workshop in Bratislava

TEX DAN's project manager Mr. BendÓ Zoltan participates on the Capitalization

workshop: Boosting Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Danube Region,  held in Bratislava
on 26 and 27 March 2025,
in the organization of the EU Strategy of the Danube Region.

The main goal of the  workshop is to establish links between the strategic and the project level and that way  create synergies between projects relevant for PA7 and PA8, supporting new activities, platforms and projects in the future  to boost the research, innovation and technology transfer in the Danube Region.

By participating on the workshop, TEX-DAN highlights importance of building synergies with circular economy transnational projects and shares its experience in synergy pilot project activities with its sister project Green TEX.


By Ebonita Curkovic

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