
The SE ecosystem has developed over the years, however disparities between western and eastern countries in the Danube Region persists. The territorial challenges social entrepreneurship in partner countries are facing are related to low level of engagement of public authorities for implementing and supporting social economy at local level, missing networking and B2B connections, low number of innovative SEs, lack of programmes demonstrating social value to general public.
Motivated by these challenges, the Danube4SEecosystem main objective is to jointly develop inspiring policies for social enterprises by involving local public authorities into the social enterprises supporting ecosystem in order to enhance inclusive employment in the Danube region while supporting the sustainable operation of social enterprises as interpreted on the basis of a broad definition, in order to strengthen their employment role at the settlement and regional level. Specifically, the project develops the Strategy for inclusive Social Economy ecosystem and an Action Plan for implementing the Strategy which will be pilot tested in 5 countries on 5 themes.
The results of the pilot actions will feed into the Social Economy Support Guide for public authorities and intermediaries on how to support SE. This innovative handbook will include clear guidelines on how to implement the support, guidance on the human and financial resources needed as well as important practical tips and knowledgeable contact points in partner countries. Danube4SEEcosystem will enhance SEs skills and capacity by developing 2 assessment tools for SE sector and providing training sessions for social entrepreneurs and local public authorities; improve visibility, recognition and collaboration with their ecosystem by the creating Danube Social Economy Network; increase the transnational cooperation between entities supporting the development of social economy and sharing the best practices learned in their territory.
What are the main expected outcomes of this international project?
The main expected outcomes of this project are to create an inclusive Social Economy Strategy and Action Plan, which will be piloted in five countries and provide a support guide for public authorities on fostering social enterprises. Additionally, it aims to enhance the skills and capacities of social enterprises, improve their visibility through the creation of a Danube Social Economy Network, and strengthen transnational cooperation to reduce disparities in the social economy across the Danube region.
Lead Partner Description
South Muntenia Regional Development Agency (SMRDA) in the role as Lead Partner will contribute to Danube4SEecosystem through its capacity as Managing Authority, being the core entity in charge of enhancing innovation knowledge and potential of SMEs, collaboration and development of new innovative project in SM region.
Regarding the development of social enterprises and improving framework conditions, SMRDA gained experience as a partner in Senses project (Danube Transnational Programme) and as a lead partner for DanubeS3 Cluster project (Danube Transnational Programme).
If you need additional information, do not hesitate to write an email at : programe@adrmuntenia.ro
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