The first Policy Learning Dialogue and the Transnational Knowledge Transfer Workshop, organised in Međimurje County, Croatia
On the 18th and 19th June 2024, Public Institution for the Development of the Međimurje County REDEA will organize the first Policy Learning Dialogue (PLD) and Knowledge Transfer Workshop (KTW), in Međimurje County, Croatia.
The Policy Learning Dialogue aims to enhance policy coordination and develop tools to support social enterprises in the Danube region. It also seeks to foster dialogue and encourage cross-fertilization between the EUSDR priority areas. During the sessions, project partners, associated strategic partners, and policymakers will discuss the main challenges and opportunities for the development of social economy ecosystem.
Within the workshops, project partners, associated strategic partners and policymakers will discuss main results of the project with the aim of further transferring the solutions developed to local, regional and national authorities in partner countries.
Knowledge Transfer Workshop will focus on building a community of practice that generates and shares insights to support the project's objectives.
In the first day of the workshop, will be reached topics related to the project, policy learning dialogue introduction, exchange of experienced public-private partnership and best practices to boost the social economy.
In the second day of the workshop, the goal is to discuss the national contexts on social economy in partner countries and the development and testing of two Skills Gap Assessment Tools for the social economy sector that will assess the skill levels of social enterprises and local public authorities and design solutions to close the skills gap.
You can join also online , registration no later than Thursday, June 13,2024, by 4 PM
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdValP2rXt754R2ajbhRDHYYvC6B1M2FA9GYBBpfhJnsalx9g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 .
Key parts of the event will also be available via ZOOM. Here are the links for both days:
Day 1: Zoom Link
Day 2: Zoom Link
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