Advisory Board Meeting Held
On 17th January 2025, RTIT>> team held the meeting with Associated Strategic Partners with the purpose of informing ASP on the project and gathering their insights.
RTIT Team was pleased to announce that the project is successfully reaching its first milestone - the completion of the first year of implementation. 2024 year was dedicated to the first specific objective, Plan.! which included three key activities:
Capitalizing on know-how and policy approaches that can be leveraged for RTIT.
Facilitating training and learning to establish a common understanding.
Developing an action plan to accelerate RTI transfer in materials and material technologies across the Danube Region.
RTIT Associated Strategic Partners are:
Ministarstvo ekonomskog razvoja i turizma Crne Gore
Державна інноваційна фінансово-кредитна установа Благодійний фонд "ЕЕН Україна
Agenția Națională de Cercetare și Dezvoltare
Grad Mostar
Bayrische Forschungsallianz GmbH
Индустриален клъстер „Електромобили“
Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal

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