First set of Online Lectures held
The first RTIT online lectures, within the educational workshop of thematic groups for members of project's consortium, took place on 7 November 2024.
The purpose of the lectures is to enhance capacities of project partners and teach them what is important in thematic areas.
Under the tematic group of Biobased Materials, Assist. Prof. Tamás Juhász, from University of Pécs talked about “Timber-concrete composites in sustainable structural design”. He outlined the challenges when dealing with those composites and presented the current state of the art in the field as well as further perspectives for research and cooperation.
Additional lecture within thematic group of Sustainable Materials and Technologies, was held by Dr. Gábor Szebényi, from PolymerOn Ltd. The focus of the lecture was on “Recycling and material development in the field of polymers” and view on rubber from rubber tires. He emphasized the large quantities of material available for recycling and different options for recycling, which still can be increased by a great deal. Both speakers stressed the need to increase the use of existing materials and structures and working with those, in order to save material and resources and help the move towards circular economy.
The next online workshop will be on 11 December.

Online Workshop - Prof. Juhas
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