RTIT >> project first meeting held in Ljubljana


[p]A two-day working meeting of the "Community Knowhow for Acceleration of RTI Transmission in the Danube Region" (RTI>>) project was successfully held in Ljubljana from February 16 to 18. This meeting was also the first opportunity for the project partners to meet in person and work together to define the steps for continuing the activities.[/p][p]
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The project brought together 13 partners from eight Danube countries, and IPC Tehnopolis has a leading role. It is also the first time that a partner from Montenegro has a leading role in a project implemented within the Danube Region Program.
At the meeting, three thematic groups within the project were presented in detail, within which the partners will implement their pilot actions. Group leaders talked about:[/p]
  • Bio-based materials,
  • Sustainable materials and technologies,
  • Advanced materials.
[p]A special focus was on the exchange of best practices in the use of tools to facilitate real-time information transfer (RTI) in the domain of materials and materials technology.[/p][p]
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[/p][p]During the working meeting of the consortium, the work packages of the project were presented, and the following activities were defined, with a special reference to the role that each partner will play within a certain package. In addition, workshops were held that provided additional insights into the thematic areas of the project, and new opportunities for cooperation between partners were defined.[/p][p]The goal of the RTIT>> project is to strengthen the innovation capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Danube region in the field of materials and materials technology through the transfer of research, technology and innovation (RTI) results and the construction of a transnational community of knowledge. The total value of the project is EUR 2,391,220.00, and in addition to Montenegro, project partners come from Slovenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria and Hungary.

The project is implemented within the Danube Region Programme, and is co-financed by the European Union.
#DanubeRegionProgram #DanubeRegion #EUprojects #RTIT>>[/p][p]




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